This is likely not the first website or blog you have been to if you are researching gluten, nor will it be the last. For those individuals who have genuine allergies, or Celiac disease (an auto-immune disease) will be surfing the web for every piece of information out there. My goal is to give you facts, tips and connect you to reliable, accurate websites, resources, books, vendors and suppliers who can help you live a happy, healthy gluten free life!
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Twas the day after Thanksgiving..............
Thanksgiving and holidays are proving easier everyday. I am grateful for 5 years of success. Meals seem to come together with less anxiety, non-gluten free foods seem to taste better and guests are enjoying their treats. I recall a few years ago when their was wailing and gnashing of teeth in the house. No one was happy, children were crying, why even the dogs sniffed and 'passed' on the food given.
I recall 7 pound loaves of bread, yes that was the post baking weight; rice pasta 'cement', home made cookies as flat and hard as a stone, store bought baked products that had the texture of dried ants, the list is endless. I even had to buy a professional mixer for dough and batter as most of the recipes produced a batter that required a cement mixer. Should have been a sign. My son didnt speak to me for months and my husband reminded me that our son was right, stuff was not so good.
Well, back to being grateful. WOW, so many options, better mixes and store bought goodies, better labeling, the world is right. And GOOD! While I failed to get photos of everything this year, I can provide you some holiday recipes. My favorite is Cornbread Dressing! Being raised by a southerner has definitely got some perks. The big test for success is if my non-GF husband wants leftovers. If he does and he did, well that is the ticket.
Corn Bread Dressing
2 packages Pamela's Cornbread
2 c chopped celery
2 c chopped onions
1 stick butter
1/4c poultry seasoning
1 - 1 1/2c Chicken Broth
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
1. Make the cornbread using the standard recipe. When done, cool and then crumble into a large tub or bowl, something you can get your hands into for mixing.
2. Sauté the onions and celery in the butter until transparent. Add to cornbread.
3. Add poultry seasoning, salt and pepper. Now mix well. You can use a spoon, but the hands to mix is helpful so that you can crumble the bread prevents it from getting so mushy.
4. Once well mixed, add chicken broth. Add small amounts at a time so that you just 'moisten' the cornbread mixture. You do not want the dressing too moist especially if you are stuffing the bird. It will gain moisture during the cooking process. IF you are baking it in a dish, then you will need a bit more broth so that it does not dry out. I would like to tell you there is a science or a specific amount, but no, it requires some practice. For example, if the cornbread you are using is a little overcooked or dry, then in the dressing mix it will need a little more broth. You want enough broth so that the mix is moist but not pasty.
5. If stuffing the bird, you know what to do.
6. If baking in a dish, I cook it at 325 for about 1 hour. I usually cover it though some like the crunchy top you get when you bake it uncovered.
Dipped Sandwich Cookies and Pretzels
White Candiquick Candy Coating
Glutino Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
Glutino Pretzels
1. Melt the candy coating per package instructions.
2. Dip cookies, one at a time to coat in the candy. Then lay on parchment paper until hardened, just a few minutes.
3. Take pretzels and stir in the melted candy coating. Lay single layer on parchment paper until hardned. If they get connected just break apart when placing in bowl. You can add these to any snack mix for example!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Reece's Rainbow Christmas Angel Program is Here
We are so encouraged by the work and mission of Reece's Rainbow in raising funds for adoption grants. Finding loving, forever families and homes for these special needs orphans is incredible. If you are looking for a special giving opportunity this Christmas consider Reece's Rainbow.
Reece's Rainbow Christmas Angel Tree
Reece's Rainbow Christmas Angel Tree
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Breaking Amish!
When it is time to bake, you must bake with abandon. Let it all go! I continue to play and experiment with the friendship bread starter. Things happen to jump into the bowl, and so far, not bad!!! So some things I know:
When you separate it, you can freeze it. Lasts a LONG time. 1C per bag. ALWAYS label GF so you don't get it mixed up with some other squishy item in the freezer.
When you take it out of the freezer, you can let it get to room temp and use it 'as is' in your favorite recipes OR you can grow and feed it for a week or two (it is not fussy) OR you can feed it and use it in your favorite recipes.
1 C of batter at whatever stage in your recipes, that is it.
SO, I took ALL 10 bags out of the freezer, fed them all once at day 6 then days 10-14++ started a bake-a-thon. HA. I don't know what I was thinking as I had a lot of shopping that resulted......eggs, gluten free flower and freezer bags to store all the baked goods. I then had to find additional freezer space. LOL We will not want for gluten free yummy Amish Friendship Bread (Cake)!!

Here you go, things that are good in Friendship Bread (Cake):
'Lemon Cake'
Lemon Pudding - In place of vanilla pudding. Then when cooled eat plain or with glaze.
'Spice Cake'
Mincemeat - 12-16 oz in the standard batter.
'Chocolate Chip Bread'
Chocolate Chips - 1 - 1 1/2c in the standard batter.
'Blueberry Bread'
Blueberry Pie Filling - 1 can in the standard batter.
Banana Chocolate Chip'
Banana and Chocolate Chips - 4-5 bananas, Banana Pudding
in place of vanilla pudding, 1 - 1 1/2 c chocolate chips

'Pumpkin Chocolate Chips'
Pumpkin and Chocolate Chips - 12-16 oz pumpkin pie mix and 1 - 1 1/2 c chocolate chips
Apple Bread'
Apple Pie Filling - 1 can apple pie filling in the standard batter. '
'Chocolate cake'
Chocolate Pudding - in place of the vanilla pudding in the standard batter.
'Gingerbread Cake'
Molasses and Ginger - 1 c molasses, 2 t cinnamon and 2 t ginger in standard batter.
'Pineapple Upside Down Cake'
Pineapple and Brown sugar - melt 1/2 c butter in 9x13, sprinkle with 1/2c packed brown sugar then cover bottom of pan with can of pineapple. Top with standard batter.
What is next? I am going to play around with puffy, cake like cookies.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Party Mix Gluten Free......Wheee
We love simple to make snacks and desserts. I have the greatest fun taking recipe's I find or am given and 'translating' them into gluten free delights. I almost always succeed the first time, but if not, I WILL try again. No one complains about the mistakes I have made. The containers area always emptied, and NO, they have not been dumped in the garbage. I have looked. HA Party Mix is one of our very favorites. Almost all CHEX cereals are gluten free EXCEPT Wheat and Honey Wheat. They are clearly labeled. They have 7 or 8 flavors and we mix them all. We add other gluten free cereals including EnviroKids and granola mixes from Bakery on Main. Deluxe nut mixes are our favorite though spicy nuts can add a little extra "fire"! In addition you can add gluten free pretzels, we love Glutino or after microwaving, stir in crunchy Cheetos then pour onto the towel to cool.

Party Mix
10 c cereal mix of choice We like chocolate, apple cinnamon, vanilla, corn and gorilla crunch
3 c deluxe mixed nuts - may add jalapeno dusted nuts for a bit of 'HOT'
2 c granola mix In a bowl or large measuring cup
**Seasonings to taste. We like salty
1 stick butter, melted
3-4T Worcestershire sauce
1 package onion soup mix
2 T season salt
1 T garlic seasoned salt mix
Mix together and pour over the dry mix.
Stir well
Microwave 3 1/2 minutes
Stir Well
Microwave 3 1/2 minutes
Dump out onto paper towels and let cool
Store in baggies or Tupperware bowls
Puppy Chow
10 c cereal mix of choice We like chocolate, apple cinnamon, vanilla, corn and gorilla crunch
In a large bowl or measuring cup
2 C chocolate chips
1 C peanut butter
1/2 C butter
Melt and stir
Pour over party mix and stir to coat
Place in Tupperware bowl
Add 2 c powder sugar
Cover and shake shake shake

Party Mix
10 c cereal mix of choice We like chocolate, apple cinnamon, vanilla, corn and gorilla crunch
3 c deluxe mixed nuts - may add jalapeno dusted nuts for a bit of 'HOT'
2 c granola mix In a bowl or large measuring cup
**Seasonings to taste. We like salty
1 stick butter, melted
3-4T Worcestershire sauce
1 package onion soup mix
2 T season salt
1 T garlic seasoned salt mix
Mix together and pour over the dry mix.
Stir well
Microwave 3 1/2 minutes
Stir Well
Microwave 3 1/2 minutes
Dump out onto paper towels and let cool
Store in baggies or Tupperware bowls
Puppy Chow
10 c cereal mix of choice We like chocolate, apple cinnamon, vanilla, corn and gorilla crunch
In a large bowl or measuring cup
2 C chocolate chips
1 C peanut butter
1/2 C butter
Melt and stir
Pour over party mix and stir to coat
Place in Tupperware bowl
Add 2 c powder sugar
Cover and shake shake shake
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Judy's 10 minute Chicken Dinner
Yes indeed it is CHICKEN DAY! This was very easy, fast and yummy!!! Here it is:
Small skillet at 350 degrees. We own an inexpensive Presto electric skillet. Perfect for a small family meal.
1 c Pacific chicken broth
1 1/2 pounds chicken tenders
1 package onion soup mix
Cook all in the skillet until chicken is tender. Add 1 jar Classico Mushroom Alfredo.
If I had them I would add a can of mushrooms as well.
We enjoyed this with some mixed vegetables and Three Bakers gluten free rye toast.
Cody's Chicken Casserole
It is funny cooking for Master Gates as he feels everything should be named after him or me:-) Not that I mind, as it makes it easy to remember what we called something.....everything. Gluten free cooking has become my favorite sport/hobby/pass time/challenge. I will eat everything we love, gluten free, eventually. AND I will try everything that looks wonderful gluten free as well. Good times.
For this meal we were looking for a bit of flavor and the ability to clear out some food in the freezer. SO thinking hat on, all items wanted to eliminate on the counter and here I go.
1/2 c softened butter
1 c sour cream with chives
1 egg
1 cup of gluten free flour (Pamela's)
1 1/2 t baking powder
1 t salt
1 t sage
Cream butter and sour cream the add remaining ingredients. Mix well. Spread out evenly over base of greased 9x11 pan.
In a bowl mix the following:
2 cups cooked, cubed chicken
1 c chicken broth
1 c mushroom broth
1/4 c gluten free flour (Pamela's) *Use a wire whisk to mix with some of the broth then add to the mix.
1 c onion
2 t onion salt
Mix it all together then pour over crust. Sprinkle with 1/2 c shredded cheddar cheese and 1/4 c shredded Romano. Bake at 400 degrees for 35-40 minutes.
For this meal we were looking for a bit of flavor and the ability to clear out some food in the freezer. SO thinking hat on, all items wanted to eliminate on the counter and here I go.
1/2 c softened butter
1 c sour cream with chives
1 egg
1 cup of gluten free flour (Pamela's)
1 1/2 t baking powder
1 t salt
1 t sage
Cream butter and sour cream the add remaining ingredients. Mix well. Spread out evenly over base of greased 9x11 pan.
In a bowl mix the following:
2 cups cooked, cubed chicken
1 c chicken broth
1 c mushroom broth
1/4 c gluten free flour (Pamela's) *Use a wire whisk to mix with some of the broth then add to the mix.
1 c onion
2 t onion salt
Mix it all together then pour over crust. Sprinkle with 1/2 c shredded cheddar cheese and 1/4 c shredded Romano. Bake at 400 degrees for 35-40 minutes.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Bisquick Easy Mix Biscuits
A recipe for easy Biscuit's appeared on Facebook today so I tried it out. I love gluten free Bisquick. Pancakes are BETTER than regular....I am just sayin! Anyway, the instructions are:
Preheat oven to 425
Melt 1/2 cup butter in 9x13 pan
1cup 7Up
1 cup sour cream
Mix well. Knead and pat flat on wax paper. Cut with round cutter and place in 9x13 pan.
Bake 12-15 minutes.
I did this and took out at 15 minutes. Slight rise in dough and minimal brown to the top. When taken out bottoms were slightly brown. Inside was soft and taste was great.
I would recommend adding some xantham gum to the recipe to help get the fluff. I have found that browning is 'optional' for many gluten free starches......i.e. they don't brown even if you want them too:-) Not to worry, the taste is not affected. Caution would be to do the touch test so that you are sure you are not over baking items.
Hodgson Mill sells xantham in packets which I find really easy to use and store. They have great advice on the side panel for amounts of xantham to add for different projects. Enjoy!
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Looking for help in all the .................................RIGHT places?
It is often a project to get the right food on the plate in the kitchen. And confusing to dissect the many 'experts' on the Internet. The Internet is a friend but certainly can be a foe. Being a savvy surfer is everything when it comes to developing confidence with a gluten free lifestyle. As I have several new to GF living, I am going to provide a few easy tips.
When you are reading start with websites that are well connected to reliable organizations, that have references and that have reputable authors. A bio on the authors should be on the website to let you know who they are, what their background is and what information they are giving (personal or scientific). Note to self - your favorite talk show or gossip magazine is not likely to be the pillar on which to build your knowledge. is a very robust website that not only has many resources in one place, there are links to dozens of others. There are testimonials of those living with celiac disease, and articles from experts speaking to living with the disease as well as research related to a cure. Did you know research studies are going on now with vaccine technologies? WOW.
The Celiac Disease Clinics are few but can be awesome connections for you no matter where you live.
Cleveland Clinic Celiac Disease
Celiac Conference University of Chicago Columbia University
If you buy one book make it Celiac Disease: A Hidden Epidemic by Dr Peter Green. Amazon
Here is a great Q and A as well: Dr Peter Green Author and Expert Celiac Disease: A Hidden Epidemic
Next, be patient and make a plan. if you are going to be successful you need to do preparation. Identify what foods need to be replaced, find where you can easily get store bought replacements, make a few kitchen adjustments to assure there is no contamination, be prepared to inspect the menus and service at your favorite restaurants and enjoy finding out you feel better every day.
I have included getting started 'helps' in the beginning posts from April 2012. I am also adding a few of my favorite 'tools' to the page to use and hopefully make the transition more comfortable, an adventure.
In the meantime, try a new recipe or two for a yummy gluten free treat to make your learning curve easier.
Traditional Spritz Cookies
**Replaced flour with Pamela's Gluten Free Baking Flour**
Chocolate Covered Strawberries
**For a very low calorie option, dip in Walden's Chocolate, Caramel, Marshmallow or Strawberry Dip**
Stuffed Green Pepper
**Use Schars Gluten Free Crackers or Gillian's Gluten Free Bread Crumbs in place of bread**
Cowboy Casserole
**Prepare soup then add 1-2 pounds ground beef, browned, and bake for 30 minutes at 350**
Can top with cheese:-)
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Time to Get Back to Business
So for a while I have been MIA. I am ready to get back to the business of sharing my gluten free adventures. I have found that no matter what life events occur, I still have to eat gluten free food. AND I have to often find ways to 'share' that food with those who may not be so jiggy with it. I have learned a great number of recipes that are delightful and very few can tell the difference. Wonderful! The alternative, as you may know, is to cook two or three different meals. When it is just us, I am OK. When it is a room full, less is more.
Well, as the blog would imply, I am a social media bug. I enjoy seeing what is going on in the world. And it is how I keep in touch with family and friends around the globe. Enter my family from Missouri. Now my mom is from Louisiana. She used to cook the most delectable meals. And like all master chefs, she wrote NOTHING. We captured a few recipes, but not most. Anyway, my cousins have shared a few recipes with me that they have made or seen. And there it was on Memorial Day, pecan pie!
Well, they had me at PECAN. Then the picture. That was it I was done. SO I had to tweak the recipe a smidgen for gluten free and then personal taste. It was wonderful!!! EVEN my NEVER EATS GLUTEN FREE husband enjoyed it. That is an accomplishment. So I hope that you enjoy this some time. It took less than 15" to prepare.
And here it is.
Kinnikinnick Gluten Free Graham Cracker Crumbs 1 1/2 c crumbs**
Butter 1/2 c melted
Sugar 1/2 c
Spray pie plate with Pam or favorite.
Press crust into the plate.
**I often crush and use the chocolate K-Kritters Animal Cookies for a crust. This would be a good alternative for this and it is awesome with banana cream pie filling, peanut butter cheesecake filling or any other number of fillings. They are also excellent to make the dirty pudding pots made famous in restaurants. I will share in the next post. :-)
Butter 6T melted
Eggs 2, beaten
Vanilla 1T
Sugar 1/2 c
Corn Syrup, light or dark, 1/2 c
3/4 c Rolled Oats**
Mix together and pour into the pie shell. Bake at 350 degrees for 20".
** From a dedicated Gluten Free Factory source. AND in case you aren't sure, these are not intant oats. They are larger and require longer cooking time to absorb and soften. If you only have instant, use slightly less, in this recipe decrease to 1/2 c, as they are more absorbent and will use up the liquid from your mix. Not bad, but will leave you with more of a breakfast cereal texture. **
4 oz. pecan halves, plain or cinnamon dusted (That is what I used)
Remove then arrange pecan halves to cover the pie. Return to the oven for 25-30" or until the pecans are browned.
Enjoy plain or with whipped cream.
Yes, this was a trip in MAY to the Midwest. Snow in four states. Wonderful! AND
almost everything on the table is gluten free. I love it when a meal comes together.
Well, they had me at PECAN. Then the picture. That was it I was done. SO I had to tweak the recipe a smidgen for gluten free and then personal taste. It was wonderful!!! EVEN my NEVER EATS GLUTEN FREE husband enjoyed it. That is an accomplishment. So I hope that you enjoy this some time. It took less than 15" to prepare.
And here it is.
Kinnikinnick Gluten Free Graham Cracker Crumbs 1 1/2 c crumbs**
Butter 1/2 c melted
Sugar 1/2 c
Spray pie plate with Pam or favorite.
Press crust into the plate.
Butter 6T melted
Eggs 2, beaten
Vanilla 1T
Sugar 1/2 c
Corn Syrup, light or dark, 1/2 c
3/4 c Rolled Oats**
Mix together and pour into the pie shell. Bake at 350 degrees for 20".
** From a dedicated Gluten Free Factory source. AND in case you aren't sure, these are not intant oats. They are larger and require longer cooking time to absorb and soften. If you only have instant, use slightly less, in this recipe decrease to 1/2 c, as they are more absorbent and will use up the liquid from your mix. Not bad, but will leave you with more of a breakfast cereal texture. **
4 oz. pecan halves, plain or cinnamon dusted (That is what I used)
Remove then arrange pecan halves to cover the pie. Return to the oven for 25-30" or until the pecans are browned.
Enjoy plain or with whipped cream.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Meals for a Winter Day
Who knew I could go weeks without talking. OK, well I have been talking, just not here. Sorry. But I have been keeping track of some awesome things in the world of Gluten Free. It is funny. I never heard about it until we needed it, and thankfully, there has been a world of improvement and information in the last 2 years. I was in a coffee shop and someone heard me mention a food. "Oh I can't have that as I am casein free and gluten free". My ears went up at 'gluten free'. And so we bonded like sisters in seconds. I can have this, I can't eat that, I don't like this but love that. That is what I love about blogs and networking. We can learn and share. Perhaps save those behind us lots of heartache and anxiety.
Portabello Mushrooms
Cooked it in a skillet 'for awhile" as it was already cooked really just needed to warm it all up.
California Blend Frozen Veggies from Kroger. Bowl! Hopefully you don't need instructions for frozen veggies. If you do, write me I will help.
Gluten Free Garlic Bread made with a Gluten Free Pantry Bread Mix and Garlic Salt. Made it in the bread maker. Follow the directions on the box. Awesome!
I have also tried this brownie mis tonight as well. EXCELLENT option. Has nice chocolate chunks inside. Good texture. Like!!!!
So first, some pictures of yummy things to eat. And always easy as you know I am a full time ..... everything! Ha. Wife, Mom, Homemaker, Manager, Educator, Counselor, Mom, Wife......I love every bit of it too. So this was fun as it used leftovers.
Turkey, cooked leftover ;-)
Mushroom GravyPortabello Mushrooms
Cooked it in a skillet 'for awhile" as it was already cooked really just needed to warm it all up.
California Blend Frozen Veggies from Kroger. Bowl! Hopefully you don't need instructions for frozen veggies. If you do, write me I will help.
Gluten Free Garlic Bread made with a Gluten Free Pantry Bread Mix and Garlic Salt. Made it in the bread maker. Follow the directions on the box. Awesome!
This was followed with Dessert Number One: Brownie Surprise
Pamela's Gluten Free Brownie Mix. Follow the standard recipe.
Add Marshmallows and Peanut Butter swirled throughout.
I have also tried this brownie mis tonight as well. EXCELLENT option. Has nice chocolate chunks inside. Good texture. Like!!!!
These are great. But tonight I made an even better treat. It could be my favorite ever!
Dessert Number Two.
Pound Cake! WOW!!!
Made with 1 2 3 Pound Cake Mix. Follow that standard recipe. Covered with Lemon Glaze.
Lemon Glaze is easy: In a mixing bowl combine 1/2 cup butter, 2 cups powdered sugar, 2 Tablespoons of lemon juice and a little warm water to get it to the consistency you prefer.
This is absolutely incredible cake. WOW!!! Did I say that already? Try it you will be glad you did.
The photos look great don't they. You don't even notice the sunken area in the center. HAHA. I share these wonderful treats based on taste not on appearance. And once you cut it, who would know, right?
The best part is all of these can be made gluten and dairy free. Very cool. More treats to come in the next blog.
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